Full Time Queries

What roles do my contacts need to merge from WGS to Full Time?
In order for contacts to merge from WGS to Full Time, the club must be affiliated. Any named "Manager, coach or assistant" will rollover as a ...
Tue, 14 Dec, 2021 at 2:13 PM
Selecting Primary Contact's In Full Time
League officials can now select a Primary Contact for each team. This is the person's who's details will be displayed during Full Time automated ema...
Tue, 14 Dec, 2021 at 2:13 PM
Full-Time error message on login "Role ended 30/06/2019"
In regards to the message which states "Role expired 30/06/2019" this is due to the rollover between seasons, team roles ended on the 30th June fo...
Tue, 14 Dec, 2021 at 2:14 PM
Changing Manager's Contact Details
If any details need to be updated, e.g. e-mail or mobile number, then the individual can update their own details via WGS portal, or they can be updated by ...
Tue, 14 Dec, 2021 at 2:14 PM
League Officials guidance on Team Administrators
League officials are no longer able to edit Team Administrators information within Full-Time. The roles will automatically integrate to Full-Time based on t...
Tue, 14 Dec, 2021 at 2:15 PM
A Team Administrator isn't showing in Full-Time
If your league has integrated and a contact has not gone across to Full-Time from WGS then either: A) the team hasn't yet affiliated B) The person ...
Tue, 14 Dec, 2021 at 2:15 PM