Book your Weetabix Wildcats Workforce Online Training Now!
We are delighted to share with you the dates, times, and details about how to book your Weetabix Wildcats Workforce training. We understand that you all have different commitments, so have provided a range of dates to attend each of the four modules that make up the training. Details of the modules and how to book can be found below.
Who is Weetabix Wildcats training for?
If you are a NEW Provider, (launching March 2022) – then it is compulsory for you to attend training, and to complete ALL four modules before you start delivering your Weetabix Wildcats sessions.
- We suggest at least two delegates attend for all New Providers
If you are an EXISTING PROVIDER (delivered since or between 2017-2021) – you are welcome to send any new volunteers/coaches to join us and complete the training.
What does Weetabix Wildcats Workforce online training look like?
Training will be delivered through four short modules, using the online conferencing platform Zoom. Supported by a digital workbook (which will be shared ahead of attendance at module 1) the training will be interactive, engaging and fun. Ahead of training, we will send you a short pre-recorded video that explains – What is Wildcats, before we deliver:
- Module 1: Who could be a Wildcat?
- Understanding the girls that will attend your sessions and how they might feel
- Module 2: Developing your Wildcats
- Understanding their physical development and how you can support each child
- Module 3: Maintaining your pride of Wildcats!
- How can you sustain your Weetabix Wildcats sessions and create a provision for Life?
- Module 4: Technology
- Understanding the Events Engine. How to create, share events and manage attendance
How to book your place?
Book on to all modules BY CLICKING THIS LINK to secure your place on your date of choice. We strongly advise that you complete all four modules in numerical order. If you are an existing provider, select the relevant modules you need to attend if you have previously completed some training.
We will send further information, including the online digital workbook and zoom joining details for each module, at least two-days in advance.
We hope the information above gives you everything you need to secure your place at training. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact with the Weetabix Wildcats Workforce team via [email protected]