Step One - Finding the Misconduct Charge on Whole Game System

You should receive an automated notification email from Whole Game System once a Misconduct Charge has been raised by your County FA. In order to view the charge, log into Whole Game System, press on the "Discipline" tile on the left and the relevant Case ID ending with an "M". 

Step Two - Viewing the Misconduct Charge on Whole Game System

Once within the Case ID, you can see the details below, including details of the Offence, the public notes with the charge wording, the option to download the Misconduct Charge Notification Letter and the Charge Evidence and the option to Respond.

Make sure the Letter and the Charge Evidence are downloaded and read thoroughly before responding to the charge.

Step Three - Responding to the Misconduct Charge on Whole Game System


When you press the Respond button, the options below are given:

You will need to indicate if you are pleading Guilty or Not Guilty to the Charge and if you are requesting a Personal or Non-Personal Hearing. 

It is strongly recommended to submit a formal Written Response to the charge via the Document Upload, regardless of the charge being denied or accepted. This will assist the Commission when making their decision. 

Once you have submitted your response, your County FA will contact you if you have requested a Personal Hearing or they will notify you of the result of a Non-Personal Hearing.