On Whole game system, click the league structure tab down the left-hand side and select one of the three options at the top of the page. These three options are: Divisions, development groups and cup competitions. 


The same process is done for all three. 

Click on + divisions, then complete the details in the pop-up box before clicking “add” 

This will add the division/development group or cup competitions.


The new Division/Cup/Dev group will now show in your list but will show with 0 teams.

To make a division, development group or cup inactive, you will need to select the box next to the one you wish to make inactive and click “set as inactive” Please not you can only make these inactive with 0 teams in them. 

  • Adding/removing teams

To add a team to a division, development group or cup first select the teams tab down the left-hand side.

Check the boxes next to the team(s) you wish to assign and select the option form the menu. You will then have the option to select from the list of development groups, divisions or cups that you had created in the league structure tab. You will also have the option to remove a team if they have left the league. 

Please note adding a team to a new division will remove the team from their old division automatically.

Also, any changes made here will show in Full-Time for integrated leagues.


  • Adding external teams to a cup


To add an External Team that does not play in your league to a cup competition click on the box “add external teams”

Type the name of the team you wish to add and click search. 

Check the box next to the team name and click “add external team to cup”

Select the cup you wish to add them too and click “add team to selected cups”

This will then show the team on your teams list and can be added to further cup competitions. Please note, external teams cannot be added to divisions or development group cups.