In order for a team to show in their respective division on Full-Time, they will need to be assigned to that division within Whole Game System. A division must have teams assigned in order to push across to Full-Time.

Only teams assigned to your league will show within your teams tab, if a team is missing please contact your County FA as these will need to be assigned

1. Log into click your role along the top and then "Teams" down the left hand-side.

2. Check the tick box on the left hand-side and click the correct competition you wish to add them to, any Under 10 divisions or younger will show under "Development Groups".

3. The divisions/cups you can add the team to will appear, this is dependent on their category therefore if a age group or gender specific division isn't showing it may be that they're categorised wrong in Whole Game System - please contact your County FA.

If you need to create your division and need guidance on this, please visit the following page: 

4. Once teams are assigned to a division, they will show within that competition on Full-Time - for divisions go to Full-Time > Setup > Teams. For cups go to Full-Time > Cups.